Monday, June 25, 2012

Changed the name of the blog today.  Since getting a digital camera, then an iphone, I don't think I have printed out pictures in a couple years.  This is probably the only we will look at the pictures taken from our neighborhood walks, and not-so-occasional park outings.  It is hot, hot, hot outside, and our new itty bitty is 7 wks old and is miserable with reflux.  We have yet to make it on a mommy/8 kiddo outing.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

With the temperature to hit triple digits this coming week, this is SO not the season for daffodils, but there was an article in the DMN Briefing yesterday.  Now is the time to start ordering those uncommon daffodils.  Mail-order sources include:, and

Look what the birds planted in our backyard.  This was the ONLY thing planted in the backyard.  I gave up on the idea of planting anything this year.  The boys will destroy it, and I figured with a newborn it would go to waste quickly.  Was I ever right about that.  So thank you to the birds.  It has been a treat to see the sunflowers growing high over the fence.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

We found these funny looking red and white balls in our neighbor's yard on our walk.  They are the size/feel of a small rubber bouncy ball.  I suspected that it had something to with wasps.  Sure enough, it is an acorn plum gall.  Those devious wasps.

The next day we went for a scavenger hunt for pink, white, and purple crepe myrtle blossoms.  The crepe myrtles are beautiful here this year.  Purple is not pictured here.  

Acorn Plum Gall and Crepe Myrtle flowers